Learn About Kindergarten At Ronald Harvey
Our 2025 Kindergarten Open House took place on February 5th! If you missed it, please see the presentation attached to learn more about our program and school.
Our Kindergarten focuses on:
- Alphabet Knowledge Cycling
- Heggerty Phonemic Awareness
- Exploring fiction and non-fiction literature
- Experiment with spelling and punctuation in written messages
- Investigate and interpret numbers to 10
- Problem solving
- 2D and 3D shapes, patterns and sorting
- Measurement
- Math games
Citizenship and Identity
- Positive social interactions
- Responsive Classrooms
Environment and Community Awareness
- Understanding our physical world through movement, pathways and senses
- Exploring surrounding environments
- Land-based learning
- Inquiry and problem solving
Physical Education and Wellness
- Explore movement with the body
- Fair play and cooperation through games
- Recognizing boundaries
- Healthy relationships
Creative Expression
- Play based learning
- Art, music and dramatic play
Enriching Learning
- Field trips
- Visits from community members
- Cross-age buddies
- School wide special events
- Kindercooking