Update from School Council

Hello Ronald Harvey Families!

Many of you have been asking how you can get involved in your kiddo's school through volunteering and fundraising. Our School Council met earlier this week and are already planning some exciting events and fundraisers! 

The School Council's main platform to communicate with volunteers is WhatsApp. Groups have been established under our RH Community which is where you will find links to all of our volunteering opportunities. Perhaps you want to participate in 1, perhaps all of them, that's great! 
The School Council and the Development Society truly appreciate your support in whichever way you share it. If you are interested in any of these events or fundraisers, please email your name and phone number to harveyschoolcouncil@gmail.com.

Here are the volunteer opportunities we have available right now:

Healthy Hunger Hot LunchHelp with 1 lunch or be a regular volunteer! We need at least 4 volunteers every other Tuesday to sort and distribute healthy hunger orders to the classrooms.

Haunted Garden: This is an annual event that is held in our school garden the Friday before Halloween. You can participate in the planning, the decorating, or volunteering the night of the event as a character in the haunted garden or work the concession! 

Bear TracksThis was a very successful fundraiser for the Development Society last year. All families are welcome to participate in the fundraising. This is especially fun to get the kiddo's involved because the class that raises the most funds wins a PIZZA PARTY!!  We will also need volunteers to help with distribution on "Pick Up Days" from the school parking lot.

Cash CountingThis is an ongoing task for the Development Society. After each event, popcorn day, or fundraiser, we need volunteers (minimum of 2) to count cash within a few days. You can participate once, or if it's really your favorite at least once a month! Volunteers are required for this task 1-3 times per month. 

Popcorn DaysNo volunteers required, just want to give information: Send $2 with your kiddo(s) on early dismissal days for the purchase of a bag of popcorn. For those of you who were at the Back to School Movie Night, it's the same popcorn (delicious!). If there are any leftover bags of popcorn, they will be available for purchase the following day.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Ronald Harvey School Council and Development Society

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